Dear friends,

The SEFH Conference returns to Valencia in 2015 and this time runs concurrently with the end of a cycle for the society and with the end of a charismatic presidency.

This is the main reason for which the Governing Board decided to celebrate the Conference in Valencia, on top of all the benefits that the city has to offer.

If we had to find a single word to define the SEFH over the last years, it would clearly be COMMITMENT. Commitment to partners, to health workforce, to patients, to civil society and to the health system sustainability has been the inspiration of our scientific society and a catalyst for the evolution of hospital pharmacy.

Under this inspiration, “Committed to you” is the motto of the 60th SEFH Conference. It is a declaration of our society’s commitment to meeting new healthcare related demands and needs from partners, health workforce, citizens and patients. It is also aimed at each and anyone reading us.

COMMITMENT will inspire all organizational and scientific aspects of the 60th SEFH Conference mainly in two strategic lines of action: on the one hand, commitment to the SEFH with regards to its economical sustainability and its public visibility; and on the other hand, commitment to the participants of the Conference, by paying special attention to every single detail of the organizational aspect and by providing a top-level broad, appealing and participatory scientific content.

Thus, we are inviting you to participate in a holistic experience that will take place in Valencia from 10 to 13 November 2015 and we are sure that it will not let you down!

We shall be waiting for you!

Dr. Javier García Pellicer Dr. Mónica Climente
President of the Executive Committee. President of the Scientific Committee.

